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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A New Spring Wardrobe

As the temperatures continue to rise, we start to pack away those wool sweaters and dig out our shorts, t-shirts and flip flops.  The American Goldfinch is no exception, as these birds are currently in the process of changing their Spring wardrobe.

Many people mistakenly believe that these golden beauties migrate to warmer climates during the cold winter months.  While a few birds may fly a bit further south in harsh winters, the vast majority of finches are year-round residents. Looking more like tiny sparrows, the goldfinches shed their yellow feathers each fall. They simply aren't as recognizable in their "drab" winter jackets.

Goldfinches love "Nyjer" seed or thistle, as it is commonly called.  Nyjer seed is actually grown in Africa and Asia from a relative of the sunflower family.  While the seed is not cultivated from our native thistle plant, the goldfinch does utilize native "thistle down" for the building of their nests.  Because they have to wait for the thistle to flower and mature in order to harvest the down, the goldfinch is one of the last species to nest.

Below is a male and two females on my feeder in the process of changing their attire.  If you don't currently have a finch feeder hanging with fresh seed, get one out now.


  1. Is this picture taken "out your window"? : ) I saw a finch fly past our back windows on Sunday! Better go get some food for the little bugger...Thanks for the info!

  2. My 12 year-old son and I filled ours on Sunday. Now just waiting for a glimpse of the bright gold! Thanks for the info on nyger seed origins and finch nesting habits.

  3. This is a beautiful and awesome blog, thanks for sharing your comments and gorgeous pictures.
