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Friday, February 21, 2014

The Devil's in the Details

Male Downy Woodpecker
I've talked about it before, but this post will re-emphasize the importance of having a good camera handy to help you with identifying bird species.

When a new visitor arrives in your backyard, they don't always stop and pose for pictures like this Downy Woodpecker did for me on this snowy, windy morning.  He was more concerned about staying warm, than watching me take numerous pictures from the patio window.

Unfortunately, we don't always have the luxury of snapping dozens of pictures in order to get a few good ones.  Just getting some shots of  those distinguishing details can help you zero in on identifying your new visitor quickly.  It can save you plenty of frustration when you go to consult your field guide.  Having a photo to quickly download and reference is much better than relying on just your memory.  And we all know how the mind can play tricks on us!

I received a new Canon PowerShot SX510 HS digital camera from my family for Christmas, and I cannot wait to try it out during the warbler migration this Spring.  It has a 30X Optical Zoom which allows me to get close up pictures with amazing detail.  It also is a reasonably-priced camera, but it is making a big difference in the enjoyment of my backyard birding.

I am especially looking forward to the Spring migration this year.  We usually get a nice variety of warblers coming through, and they are often in my yard for a brief time.  Take into account that they are also very "skittish" and stay on the edge of the woods, and it can be difficult to get a good photo.  I am hopeful that even a "fleeting" shot will enable me to zoom in and get the necessary details I need for proper identification. Who knows, I may even get lucky and get that "money shot"!

Happy Birding!

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